When I happen to be travelling on or close to Rosh Chodesh, and I can’t attend my regular Jerusalem based RCC, I try to attend one in the locality that I happen to find myself in. Even when I am at home in Israel, every now and then I attend an RCC either in addition … Continue reading RCC Raanana Elul 5780 including a new Tokaji Aszú
RCC Israel # 36 – Av 5780
Due to the ongoing craziness that is our world, we have not had an RCC evening since February. March rolled around and with it the Coronavirus pandemic, and everything came to an immediate halt. With the initial improvement in conditions in Israel and the relaxing of the guidelines from the Health Ministry, I decided about … Continue reading RCC Israel # 36 – Av 5780
RCC Israel # 30 – Sivan 5779
After a 2 month hiatus, we finally held another RCC Israel - and we came back with a vengeance. Not only was this one of our better lineups on paper - when it came time to drink, there were very few disappointments. On top of that, from a food perspective, Uri put out his best … Continue reading RCC Israel # 30 – Sivan 5779
RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
Due to some very unfortunate family circumstances, I've been unable to post this past month and this month's RCC was put together at the last minute. For that reason I sort of decided to be super laid back. Uri who cooked solo this month did a Chinese Takeout theme which sort of meshed with the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
Yossie Comes for a Visit
As I have written previously, it's really nice when friends from abroad join us either for RCC's or to get together for tastings or winery visits or really whatever. One of the people I enjoy spending time with is Yossie Horwitz. Besides writing his weekly newsletter and FB page, Yossie is of course perhaps most … Continue reading Yossie Comes for a Visit
RCC Israel # 27 – Tevet 5779
This was a really fun night with some interesting wines. Before we get there, a comment on the food. Uri cooked alone tonight - Bracha needed a break after doing one these dinners so recently. While some of the dishes were more rustic than usual - they were excellent and this was one of the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 27 – Tevet 5779
Blind Tastings with David Raccah and friends
When I visit the US, I usually spend some quality time with fellow wine-lovers who I get to see too infrequently. But with limited time (and funds), I basically stick to the NY/NJ area each trip to be close to my family. That makes visiting with friends from other areas a real treat. Luckily David … Continue reading Blind Tastings with David Raccah and friends
RCC Israel # 26 – Kislev 5779
Our chef's took a much deserved vacation this month so we were back at Kinor BaKikar. They do a nice job overall - though I'll probably look for other options for next time, just to change things up. Would have done that this time, but my wine schedule has been overwhelming with events this past … Continue reading RCC Israel # 26 – Kislev 5779