I have tried to visit Elvi a few times over the years – always combining it with work travel – but it has never worked out. Each time I was in Spain for work, the Cohen family was not available. So when in the course of planning this year’s trips with my friend David Raccah … Continue reading Elvi Wines Visit – December 2024
RCC Israel # 45 – Tamuz 5783 at Mojo’s
During the summer it’s always hard to find people to cook and so we decided to go with a restaurant this month. The restaurant in question is Mojo’s, which is a new venture by the Maller family. Tzvi Maller has a number of restaurants under his belt - most recently Crave in Jerusalem and Nobo … Continue reading RCC Israel # 45 – Tamuz 5783 at Mojo’s
RCC Israel # 39 – Tevet 5782
It’s been quite a busy month wine-wise. I am in the middle of a number of articles, including my trip to France, which was a lot of fun with some truly excellent wines. At the same time, it has been very busy professionally and personally and so I am VERY behind on my writing. Luckily, … Continue reading RCC Israel # 39 – Tevet 5782
A Return to Normalcy… I Hope
Finally, things are returning to some semblance of normalcy, and I was able to fly to the US. Primarily this was to visit my parents and my siblings, nieces and nephews, whom I had not seen in over a year. As we say on Pesach – if that is all I had gotten to do, … Continue reading A Return to Normalcy… I Hope
RCC Israel #37 – Iyar 5781
I was beginning to fear that RCC’s were a thing of the past, but thankfully we were able to finally get back to business this month with RCC Iyar. Everyone at the RCC has already been fully vaccinated, but we decided to return to Eucalyptus as the evening needed to be put together quickly with … Continue reading RCC Israel #37 – Iyar 5781
Netofa February 2021 Visit
It is no secret that I have been having a hard time putting pen to paper - or fingers to keyboard - since this pandemic started. In fact, as it drags on and on, I find it harder and harder. Again – it’s not like I’m not drinking wine – I am. In fact, like … Continue reading Netofa February 2021 Visit
Around the World in Your Supermarket for 50 Shekels
While I am always on the lookout for reasonably priced wines to enjoy with dinner and sometimes lunch (now that I often work from home), it is even more important now with the pandemic, where people like to make less trips out and budgets are likely more stressed. I decided to see what’s currently available … Continue reading Around the World in Your Supermarket for 50 Shekels
Netofa’s 2020 Lineup
I have refrained from visiting wineries over the last couple of months out of necessity. Guidelines during this crazy period of time simply prevented most wineries from receiving visitors in person. Many if not most wineries were forced to adapt to the changing times and embraced some kind of direct to consumer delivery model to … Continue reading Netofa’s 2020 Lineup
RCC Israel # 34 – Tevet 5780
This month we scheduled RCC to be New Year's Eve and took the opportunity to ring in 2020 with an appropriate 20 wines. Chef on duty was Avi Katz, who did a nice job overall with the food. A couple of highlights there were the potato soup with crispy lamb bacon, which was excellent - … Continue reading RCC Israel # 34 – Tevet 5780
RCC Israel # 33 – Cheshvan 5780
With the Chagim finally over, I am starting to settle back in to a more normal routine. These last couple of weeks have been interesting for me wine-wise - but those posts are not yet complete - and I try to get the RCC posts out within a day of the event - so here … Continue reading RCC Israel # 33 – Cheshvan 5780