While I am always on the lookout for reasonably priced wines to enjoy with dinner and sometimes lunch (now that I often work from home), it is even more important now with the pandemic, where people like to make less trips out and budgets are likely more stressed. I decided to see what’s currently available … Continue reading Around the World in Your Supermarket for 50 Shekels
RCC Israel # 36 – Av 5780
Due to the ongoing craziness that is our world, we have not had an RCC evening since February. March rolled around and with it the Coronavirus pandemic, and everything came to an immediate halt. With the initial improvement in conditions in Israel and the relaxing of the guidelines from the Health Ministry, I decided about … Continue reading RCC Israel # 36 – Av 5780
RCC Israel # 35 – Shevat 5780
This month we had the opportunity to work with a chef whom I have been wanting to try for a long time - Amrom Pitterman. Each time I would try, he was busy or abroad, and so other arrangements were always made. But the stars aligned this month, and we were beneficiaries of five excellent … Continue reading RCC Israel # 35 – Shevat 5780
RCC Israel # 29 – Adar Bet 5779
It's nice to get back to some sort of normalcy after the crazy KFWE tour and posts. Cool to get back in the saddle with our annual V'Nhafoch RCC. Each year during Adar we prohibit Israeli wines - not as a commentary on the state of Israeli wine, but rather because we naturally sample Israeli … Continue reading RCC Israel # 29 – Adar Bet 5779
KFWE 2019 Tour Part 3: London Pre-Game – Blue Smoke Hedonism
The Lineup After a great night out at KFWE Tel Aviv it was time to leave the nest and fly to London. I am in touch with a few people in the London wine scene - some of them visit Israel often. Unfortunately, I rarely am in London and that's a shame. I love it … Continue reading KFWE 2019 Tour Part 3: London Pre-Game – Blue Smoke Hedonism
RCC Israel # 26 – Kislev 5779
Our chef's took a much deserved vacation this month so we were back at Kinor BaKikar. They do a nice job overall - though I'll probably look for other options for next time, just to change things up. Would have done that this time, but my wine schedule has been overwhelming with events this past … Continue reading RCC Israel # 26 – Kislev 5779
RCC Israel #21
This month Bracha cooked solo as Uri is off traveling with his lovely wife - and she did a wonderful job as usual. My favorite dish of the night was the corn gnocchi served on a puree of lamb bacon and greens topped with a sous vide egg - excellent stuff! My thanks to Andy … Continue reading RCC Israel #21
RCC Israel #18
Atter a couple of months of moving around we returned to our normal meeting place at the Shuk Cook - Uri Zaltzman's apartment where he and Bracha Arnold prepared a truly excellent meal. Every single dish worked and was excellent - with a number of dishes going on my favorites list! From a wine perspective … Continue reading RCC Israel #18
2016 Elvi Herenza Rioja
Up front I am going to admit that I am a sucker for Tempranillo. It is one of my absolute favorite varietals. That preference brings with it a double edged sword - if the wine is good, I am likely going to LOVE it. If the wine is bad (or even just mediocre) - I … Continue reading 2016 Elvi Herenza Rioja