Food-wise we had some really creative stuff here. The Ramen was out of this world as was the goose breast. But the desert - WOW! All of it was made of vegetables - and it was all incredible! On to the wines - a mixed bag here this month - but still plenty to love … Continue reading RCC Israel # 10
RCC Israel #7
RCC Israel Shevat 5777 was held on January 29th 2017 in Jerusalem. The food at these things just keeps on getting better and better. With a last minute cancellation and a mistakenly swapped bottle, the lineup in the menu did not match the final lineup. Very abbreviated impressions follow. Chodesh Tov! Golan Heights Winery, Yarden, … Continue reading RCC Israel #7
RCC Israel #5
After last month's massive RCC, I thought it would be a smaller quieter affair this month - no luck as we again had special guests from abroad. This led to the same problems as last month in terms of keeping track of wines - even missing some as I was also helping in the kitchen … Continue reading RCC Israel #5
RCC Israel #4
RCC Israel #4 in honor of Elul 5776 was held on September 13th, 2016 in Nachlaot. This RCC had one of our most inventive menus to date. Also, Chef Todd Aarons - of Crave and Tierra Sur fame was in attendance and contributed the seared tuna slider appetizer in the pictures. The rest of the … Continue reading RCC Israel #4
RCC Israel #3
RCC Israel #3 in honor of Av 5776 took place on August 16th, 2016. The evening was plagued with logistical issues - the host and 2 attendees canceled last minute necessitating a last minute scramble for replacements. But the evening ended up being a success. As always, my informal notes follow. Golan Heights Winery, Gamla, Brut, … Continue reading RCC Israel #3
RCC Israel #2
Our second RCC Israel for Tamuz 5776 was held on July 13th, 2016. We had one of my favorite entrees ever and besides the food being incredible - this time, EACH of the wines was either a total knockout or certainly interesting enough to warrant their appearance - what else can you ask for! Golan … Continue reading RCC Israel #2
RCC Israel #1
Our first RCC Israel was held on June 5th, 2016*. The food was excellent. My very abbreviated and informal notes on the wines were as follows: Ella Valley Vineyards, Vineyards Choice , Petite Syrah, 2008 - died in the glass within 5 minutes - but it was likely a bad bottle. Need to retry. Carmel Limited … Continue reading RCC Israel #1