While hanging out in London Yossie Horwitz mentioned he was throwing a pre-KFWE dinner as well. Now I generally try to spend time with family when in the NY area and this trip had me at 2 KFWE's, but when Yossie mentioned who was cooking, what was on the menu and some of the wines, … Continue reading KFWE 2019 Tour Part 5: NY Pre-Game – Yossie’s Dinner
RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
Due to some very unfortunate family circumstances, I've been unable to post this past month and this month's RCC was put together at the last minute. For that reason I sort of decided to be super laid back. Uri who cooked solo this month did a Chinese Takeout theme which sort of meshed with the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
RCC Israel # 27 – Tevet 5779
This was a really fun night with some interesting wines. Before we get there, a comment on the food. Uri cooked alone tonight - Bracha needed a break after doing one these dinners so recently. While some of the dishes were more rustic than usual - they were excellent and this was one of the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 27 – Tevet 5779
Mid October Trip to the US
Over the last year I have started visiting the US more and more - primarily to have the opportunity to spend time with my grandmother who is 94 and my parents and siblings who I see far too infrequently. I also usually get a chance to enjoy wines with friends that I also see all … Continue reading Mid October Trip to the US
RCC Israel # 24 – Tishrei 5779
Scheduling an RCC for Tishrei is always tricky. There are very few usable days in the month because of the chagim - early in the month is hard becasue of all of the prep for each chag and pushing it until after means that you are very close to the next month. Doing it before … Continue reading RCC Israel # 24 – Tishrei 5779
RCC Israel #20 – and on the lack of age-able whites
And now we are out of the teens.... For RCC Israel #20 we decided to go dairy in honor of the upcoming Shavuot holiday. This is always a challenge as most wines that are age-able and RCC worthy are reds. That doesn't mean there aren't excellent choices for whites and Roses - there are and … Continue reading RCC Israel #20 – and on the lack of age-able whites
RCC Israel #17
Well here we are again. After last month's all Israeli RCC in honor of Tu Bishvat, this month the theme was VeNahafoch - and so other than a bonus bottle that I wanted everyone to taste blind, the requirement this month was that the wines be anything other than Israeli. As our wonderful chefs were … Continue reading RCC Israel #17
Sommelier 2018 – I Won’t Buy What You Don’t Let Me Taste
The annual Sommelier show took place in Tel Aviv last week on Monday and Tuesday. Plenty of people have written posts on Facebook already - and I am sure others will write detailed notes on the show and wines. Gonna skip that and give you a couple of highlights of the wine and overall impressions … Continue reading Sommelier 2018 – I Won’t Buy What You Don’t Let Me Taste
RCC Israel #8
For Rosh Chodesh Adar we decide to embrace the spirit of VeNahafoch Hu and changed our guidelines accordingly. First - all wines had to be imported - no Israeli wines allowed - and second, the wines needed to be quality, but the 6 years past vintage rule was not enforced. This led to a wonderful … Continue reading RCC Israel #8