Editor's Note: It is rare that I have a guest post on this site (I think there has only been one other). Ya'acov Oryah needs no introduction from me. He is a well known and highly respoected winemaker. I have written a number of detailed posts about his wines over the years. He is also … Continue reading The story of a Muscat, held by time
Yaacov Oryah
RCC Israel #46 – Adar Bet 5784 – 50th Birthday Celebration
Wow - this is the latest I have ever gotten an RCC post out. Hopefully, this is getting posted no later than Rosh Chodesh Nisan. My last post was just super long and took me a while to put together – so hopefully things can now proceed at a normal pace. RCC Adar Bet this … Continue reading RCC Israel #46 – Adar Bet 5784 – 50th Birthday Celebration
Ya’acov Oryah’s 2022 Releases
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to a launch event for Ya'acov Oryah’s current releases. The event was held in Tel Aviv at the loft of Borgogne Corwn. This was a bit of a switch for me. I’m not usually invited to press-specific events with other wine and food writers. And specifically with … Continue reading Ya’acov Oryah’s 2022 Releases
Seder 2022
Finally, things in Israel at least have basically returned to normal. The airport is fully open, and people citizens and tourists alike are free to come and go as they please. Incredible! As I try to do each year, I will give you my strategy for wine selection for the Seder. If you are looking … Continue reading Seder 2022
RCC Israel # 39 – Tevet 5782
It’s been quite a busy month wine-wise. I am in the middle of a number of articles, including my trip to France, which was a lot of fun with some truly excellent wines. At the same time, it has been very busy professionally and personally and so I am VERY behind on my writing. Luckily, … Continue reading RCC Israel # 39 – Tevet 5782
Catching Up on Recent Israeli Vintages
It’s been way too long. I’m sorry for that. Life and work got in the way of writing. I’m still very busy, but I want to clear the decks before going out to France to taste, so I’ll briefly recap where we are in Israel wine-wise in this post and then maybe do one or … Continue reading Catching Up on Recent Israeli Vintages
RCC Israel # 38 – Kislev 5782
For the first time in almost two years, we were able to hold a “normal” RCC at someone’s home rather than a restaurant. I have to say - it was great to be back to normal. While there are some benefits to going to a restaurant - certainly in terms of cleanup -- nothing beats … Continue reading RCC Israel # 38 – Kislev 5782
Ya’acov Oryah 2020 Portfolio Tasting
This is the last post that I “owe” from tastings that happened a couple of months ago. As we say in Hebrew – Achron Achron Chaviv – which can be roughly translated as last but certainly not least – Ya’acov Oryah. As always, let me start by saying Ya’acov is a friend, and while I … Continue reading Ya’acov Oryah 2020 Portfolio Tasting
RCC Israel # 36 – Av 5780
Due to the ongoing craziness that is our world, we have not had an RCC evening since February. March rolled around and with it the Coronavirus pandemic, and everything came to an immediate halt. With the initial improvement in conditions in Israel and the relaxing of the guidelines from the Health Ministry, I decided about … Continue reading RCC Israel # 36 – Av 5780
Seder 2020
Wine writing is something that I take pleasure in ordinarily. It allows me to crystallize my thoughts about whatever topic it is that I am writing about. If I happen to be writing about specific bottles, as opposed to a general topic, it actually helps me to commit the notes to memory - as well … Continue reading Seder 2020