Editor's Note: It is rare that I have a guest post on this site (I think there has only been one other). Ya'acov Oryah needs no introduction from me. He is a well known and highly respoected winemaker. I have written a number of detailed posts about his wines over the years. He is also … Continue reading The story of a Muscat, held by time
Old Musketeer
RCC Israel #46 – Adar Bet 5784 – 50th Birthday Celebration
Wow - this is the latest I have ever gotten an RCC post out. Hopefully, this is getting posted no later than Rosh Chodesh Nisan. My last post was just super long and took me a while to put together – so hopefully things can now proceed at a normal pace. RCC Adar Bet this … Continue reading RCC Israel #46 – Adar Bet 5784 – 50th Birthday Celebration