Note: I am embarrassed at how late this post is. It was 95% complete by mid-June. I just never got around to finishing and editing due to my work schedule and of course the ongoing situation here, which as I have noted, does not leave me in the headspace for writing. But as I have … Continue reading France – May 2024 – Part 3 – Hotel Wines
RCC Israel #41 – Adar-1 5782
My next post on France is basically written – just editing now – but before I post that, I figured I would quickly write up this month’s RCC. I don’t like to postpone those as I take shorthand notes during those tastings, and if I wait too long I have a hard time reconstructing what … Continue reading RCC Israel #41 – Adar-1 5782
M & M Importers Current Lineup is Exceptional
Well, I saved the best for last. If you’ve been following my last couple of posts, after over a year I was finally able to take a trip in to the US to see family. David Raccah of arranged his schedule to overlap with mine so we could do a couple of tastings together. … Continue reading M & M Importers Current Lineup is Exceptional
Blind Tastings with David Raccah and friends
When I visit the US, I usually spend some quality time with fellow wine-lovers who I get to see too infrequently. But with limited time (and funds), I basically stick to the NY/NJ area each trip to be close to my family. That makes visiting with friends from other areas a real treat. Luckily David … Continue reading Blind Tastings with David Raccah and friends
2015 Avidan Nebbiolo
A friend of mine was caught driving in Tel Aviv during the recent torrential downpours. Rather than fight his way through traffic, he pulled over at the first wine store he found and decided to pass the time more enjoyably. As he weaved through the aisles, he came across a few that he had not … Continue reading 2015 Avidan Nebbiolo