The last couple of weeks have been a bit crazy for me. My niece Zahava got married, and the entire family flew to the US for the wedding and sheva brachot week. (Shout out to my dear friends Yael & Donny, who hosted our entire family of seven while we were visiting for this trip … Continue reading RCC Israel #42 – Kislev 5783
Latour Netofa
RCC Israel #41 – Adar-1 5782
My next post on France is basically written – just editing now – but before I post that, I figured I would quickly write up this month’s RCC. I don’t like to postpone those as I take shorthand notes during those tastings, and if I wait too long I have a hard time reconstructing what … Continue reading RCC Israel #41 – Adar-1 5782
Netofa February 2021 Visit
It is no secret that I have been having a hard time putting pen to paper - or fingers to keyboard - since this pandemic started. In fact, as it drags on and on, I find it harder and harder. Again – it’s not like I’m not drinking wine – I am. In fact, like … Continue reading Netofa February 2021 Visit
Netofa’s 2020 Lineup
I have refrained from visiting wineries over the last couple of months out of necessity. Guidelines during this crazy period of time simply prevented most wineries from receiving visitors in person. Many if not most wineries were forced to adapt to the changing times and embraced some kind of direct to consumer delivery model to … Continue reading Netofa’s 2020 Lineup
RCC Israel # 33 – Cheshvan 5780
With the Chagim finally over, I am starting to settle back in to a more normal routine. These last couple of weeks have been interesting for me wine-wise - but those posts are not yet complete - and I try to get the RCC posts out within a day of the event - so here … Continue reading RCC Israel # 33 – Cheshvan 5780
RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
Due to some very unfortunate family circumstances, I've been unable to post this past month and this month's RCC was put together at the last minute. For that reason I sort of decided to be super laid back. Uri who cooked solo this month did a Chinese Takeout theme which sort of meshed with the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
Blind Tastings with David Raccah and friends
When I visit the US, I usually spend some quality time with fellow wine-lovers who I get to see too infrequently. But with limited time (and funds), I basically stick to the NY/NJ area each trip to be close to my family. That makes visiting with friends from other areas a real treat. Luckily David … Continue reading Blind Tastings with David Raccah and friends
RCC Israel #18
Atter a couple of months of moving around we returned to our normal meeting place at the Shuk Cook - Uri Zaltzman's apartment where he and Bracha Arnold prepared a truly excellent meal. Every single dish worked and was excellent - with a number of dishes going on my favorites list! From a wine perspective … Continue reading RCC Israel #18