Due to the crazy circumstances this year, all trips were cancelled and therefore it was impossible to taste what was not local. While Royal made an effort to reach out to consumers with a Virtual KFWE, those of us in Israel were out of luck. Some of my colleagues have received samples from Royal – … Continue reading Some of Royal’s 2018 Reds and 2020 Whites and Rosés
Israeli Journey
Vitkin Wine Dinner at Herbert Samuel and July 2020 Winery Visit
This post has been a long time coming. Months actually. I returned from my last trip to the US at the very end of February and the very next open week night - I think it was March 1 – I attended another wine dinner at Herbert Samuel in Hertzlia, this time for Vitkin. I … Continue reading Vitkin Wine Dinner at Herbert Samuel and July 2020 Winery Visit
Seder 2020
Wine writing is something that I take pleasure in ordinarily. It allows me to crystallize my thoughts about whatever topic it is that I am writing about. If I happen to be writing about specific bottles, as opposed to a general topic, it actually helps me to commit the notes to memory - as well … Continue reading Seder 2020
Vitkin Winery Visit – April 2019
Since becoming Kosher with the 2015 vintage, Vitkin has pretty much shot to the top of the list of wineries which produce a consistently good line of wines. That's not say there aren't occasional misses here and there - but it is rare. In fact, having tasted almost all of the kosher output until now, … Continue reading Vitkin Winery Visit – April 2019
2017 Vitkin Israeli Journey Red & Babi’s shloshim
This past month has been a little difficult personally. First and foremost, my grandmother Phoebe Davidowitz passed away. (While not at all wine related, out of respect for my grandmother you can find my hesped [eulogy] for her here). To top that off, 2 days before she died, my father while on his way to … Continue reading 2017 Vitkin Israeli Journey Red & Babi’s shloshim