To wrap up KFWE season, Royal Wines hosted its annual London event last week. As I have mentioned previously, the show in London is perhaps my favorite. It really has nothing to do with the wines – the vast majority of which I had tasted before. It more has to do with the Chevra. First … Continue reading KFWE London 2023
Gazin Rocquencourt
Paris – November 2021 – Part 3 – Royal’s Truly Royal 2019 Vintage with Menachem Israelievitch
Finally, we are on to the main event. Honestly, the real reason I try to fly to France - besides hanging out with David - is to hang out for a day with Menachem Israelievitch and taste through Royal’s current French portfolio. It is truly the highlight of my trip each time. It’s not just … Continue reading Paris – November 2021 – Part 3 – Royal’s Truly Royal 2019 Vintage with Menachem Israelievitch