To wrap up KFWE season, Royal Wines hosted its annual London event last week. As I have mentioned previously, the show in London is perhaps my favorite. It really has nothing to do with the wines – the vast majority of which I had tasted before. It more has to do with the Chevra. First … Continue reading KFWE London 2023
Chateau Lascombes
France Trip 2022 – Part 2 – Royal
Really, the high point of my visit to France each year, besides hanging out with my friend David Raccah for a week tasting wine and eating good food, is getting to spend quality time with Menachem Israelievitch, head winemaker for Royal Europe. It’s not just that he’s a consummate professional, managing dozens of productions at … Continue reading France Trip 2022 – Part 2 – Royal
Some of Royal’s 2018 Reds and 2020 Whites and Rosés
Due to the crazy circumstances this year, all trips were cancelled and therefore it was impossible to taste what was not local. While Royal made an effort to reach out to consumers with a Virtual KFWE, those of us in Israel were out of luck. Some of my colleagues have received samples from Royal – … Continue reading Some of Royal’s 2018 Reds and 2020 Whites and Rosés
2 New French Whites + A Closer Look At Some of the 2016 Bordeaux Releases from Royal
This past week I had the privilege of attending a tasting given by Menachem Israelievitch of Royal Wine Corp. Menachem is the winemaker responsible for all of Royal's French releases since the 2014 vintage - and until then served as assistant to his predecessor Pierre Miodownick. The man is super humble giving most of the … Continue reading 2 New French Whites + A Closer Look At Some of the 2016 Bordeaux Releases from Royal
KFWE-Israel 2018
Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, work took me to Barcelona at a most inopportune time - causing me to miss the annual Zur/KFWE-Israel event. Adding insult to injury, Elvi’s inclusion in the Zur/Royal portfolio also meant that a trip out to visit any of the Elvi properties was out of the question. As a consolation, Dr. Moises … Continue reading KFWE-Israel 2018