With the Chagim finally over, I am starting to settle back in to a more normal routine. These last couple of weeks have been interesting for me wine-wise - but those posts are not yet complete - and I try to get the RCC posts out within a day of the event - so here … Continue reading RCC Israel # 33 – Cheshvan 5780
RCC Israel # 31 – Tamuz 5779
RCC Israel Tamuz 5779 marked the first time we moved out of our comfort zone and experimented with using a new chef (Bracha is traveling this summer and Uri had a baby boy last week). The chef in question - Avi Katz. Avi works as a chef professionally most recently at the David Citadel Hotel. … Continue reading RCC Israel # 31 – Tamuz 5779
RCC Israel # 29 – Adar Bet 5779
It's nice to get back to some sort of normalcy after the crazy KFWE tour and posts. Cool to get back in the saddle with our annual V'Nhafoch RCC. Each year during Adar we prohibit Israeli wines - not as a commentary on the state of Israeli wine, but rather because we naturally sample Israeli … Continue reading RCC Israel # 29 – Adar Bet 5779
RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
Due to some very unfortunate family circumstances, I've been unable to post this past month and this month's RCC was put together at the last minute. For that reason I sort of decided to be super laid back. Uri who cooked solo this month did a Chinese Takeout theme which sort of meshed with the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
RCC Israel # 27 – Tevet 5779
This was a really fun night with some interesting wines. Before we get there, a comment on the food. Uri cooked alone tonight - Bracha needed a break after doing one these dinners so recently. While some of the dishes were more rustic than usual - they were excellent and this was one of the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 27 – Tevet 5779
RCC Israel #20 – and on the lack of age-able whites
And now we are out of the teens.... For RCC Israel #20 we decided to go dairy in honor of the upcoming Shavuot holiday. This is always a challenge as most wines that are age-able and RCC worthy are reds. That doesn't mean there aren't excellent choices for whites and Roses - there are and … Continue reading RCC Israel #20 – and on the lack of age-able whites
RCC Israel #16
Our all Israeli RCC -Israel Shvat is a wrap - and it was spectacular! The food of Bracha Arnold has really never been better - every single bite was delicious. We also had some excellent surprises from the "bonus" bottles that were brought by participants - including a first taste of the new 2017 Latour … Continue reading RCC Israel #16
RCC Israel #6
RCC Israel #6 - was in honor of Kislev was held on December 4, 2016. @ firsts food-wise. 1 - we went chalavi (dairy/milchigs or whatever you prefer to call it) - and that worked out wonderfully. Our chefs just continue to impress. 2 - I prepared one of the dishes - the cheesecake. Firs … Continue reading RCC Israel #6
RCC Israel #3
RCC Israel #3 in honor of Av 5776 took place on August 16th, 2016. The evening was plagued with logistical issues - the host and 2 attendees canceled last minute necessitating a last minute scramble for replacements. But the evening ended up being a success. As always, my informal notes follow. Golan Heights Winery, Gamla, Brut, … Continue reading RCC Israel #3