This post will (finally) wrap up my trip with my friend David Raccah of Kosher Wine Musings to France this past November. I have to say the most fun part of each of these trips is the time that we get to spend together when we are NOT at formal tastings with other people. Its … Continue reading France – November 2023 – Part 4 – Hotel Wines
France – November 2023 – Part 3 – Wines of Christophe Bardeau and Wine Symphony
This is a continuation of my posts about my November 2023 France Trip with my good reind David Raccah of Kosher Wine Musings. Once we finished with the incredible tasting at IDS, we walked down the block to meet Christophe Bardeau of Domaine Roses Camile (and its associated properties) and Ben Sitruk of Wine Symphony, … Continue reading France – November 2023 – Part 3 – Wines of Christophe Bardeau and Wine Symphony
France – November 2023 – Part 2 – IDS
Our next organized tasting was at IDS, which really needs no introduction from me. They are responsible for some of the very best kosher wines ever produced. They are a permanent stop whenever I am in France. Unfortunately, the problem is that David (of the Kosher Wine Musings blog) tastes in France at least twice … Continue reading France – November 2023 – Part 2 – IDS
France – November 2023 – Part 1 – Royal
The next four posts will deal with my yearly trip to France with my friend David Raccah of the Kosher Wine Musings blog. I have to say – this was a VERY hard trip to make. Until the day before I left, I was considering canceling due to the situation in Israel and feeling that … Continue reading France – November 2023 – Part 1 – Royal
Yavine Wines from the Loire and Languedoc Regions
I’m continuing to catch up on posts, and while I'm cleaning up tasting notes, let me mention that in June I was able to taste through my friend Nathan Grandjean's new releases from the Loire and Languedoc regions of France. Nathan is the well know proprietor of Yavine wines and is also responsible for bringing … Continue reading Yavine Wines from the Loire and Languedoc Regions
Catching up on Burgundy – Domaine de Montille, le Hardi and other high-end kosher burgundies on the market
I got a lot of feedback after my last post, much of it prompting me to write more and not less during this difficult time. One reason I was presented was “Live life or the terrorists win.” That reason alone wasn’t really enough for me. Ultimately it can be used to justify about anything you … Continue reading Catching up on Burgundy – Domaine de Montille, le Hardi and other high-end kosher burgundies on the market
What can you do?
It has been a long difficult month. In Israel we usually say about things that we have yet to do - “אחרי החגים” - after the holidays. We push off everything we haven’t gotten to – because the holidays in Israel are an intense period. This year of course, אחרי החגים didn’t really ever occur. … Continue reading What can you do?
KFWE London 2023
To wrap up KFWE season, Royal Wines hosted its annual London event last week. As I have mentioned previously, the show in London is perhaps my favorite. It really has nothing to do with the wines – the vast majority of which I had tasted before. It more has to do with the Chevra. First … Continue reading KFWE London 2023
RCC Israel # 45 – Tamuz 5783 at Mojo’s
During the summer it’s always hard to find people to cook and so we decided to go with a restaurant this month. The restaurant in question is Mojo’s, which is a new venture by the Maller family. Tzvi Maller has a number of restaurants under his belt - most recently Crave in Jerusalem and Nobo … Continue reading RCC Israel # 45 – Tamuz 5783 at Mojo’s
KFWE 2023: NY & Tel Aviv
Let me start by with the obligatory apologies for the lateness of this post. My work schedule unfortunately has not let up – and is forecasted to continue this way until at least November – so I am constantly playing catch up. This year, due to work, I was unable to do the full KFWE … Continue reading KFWE 2023: NY & Tel Aviv