In Israel, the Sommelier Expo signals the start to the new wine season. For many Israeli wineries, this is their opportunities to launch new releases and get merchants interested in selling their product to the public. The event used to be only open to people within the business (liquor stores, restaurants etc) & press. For … Continue reading Sommelier 2019
Author: Avi Davidowitz
2017 Vitkin Israeli Journey Red & Babi’s shloshim
This past month has been a little difficult personally. First and foremost, my grandmother Phoebe Davidowitz passed away. (While not at all wine related, out of respect for my grandmother you can find my hesped [eulogy] for her here). To top that off, 2 days before she died, my father while on his way to … Continue reading 2017 Vitkin Israeli Journey Red & Babi’s shloshim
RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
Due to some very unfortunate family circumstances, I've been unable to post this past month and this month's RCC was put together at the last minute. For that reason I sort of decided to be super laid back. Uri who cooked solo this month did a Chinese Takeout theme which sort of meshed with the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 28 – Shevat 5779
2016 Petit Castel
Knowing that I would be tasting the 2016 Grand Vin on the following Sunday I decided it would be nice to spend some time with Castel's "second" wine this past shabbat, the 2016 Petit Castel. With few exceptions (I'm looking at you 2010 & 2015) , both the GV and PC are good to great … Continue reading 2016 Petit Castel
Yossie Comes for a Visit
As I have written previously, it's really nice when friends from abroad join us either for RCC's or to get together for tastings or winery visits or really whatever. One of the people I enjoy spending time with is Yossie Horwitz. Besides writing his weekly newsletter and FB page, Yossie is of course perhaps most … Continue reading Yossie Comes for a Visit
RCC Israel # 27 – Tevet 5779
This was a really fun night with some interesting wines. Before we get there, a comment on the food. Uri cooked alone tonight - Bracha needed a break after doing one these dinners so recently. While some of the dishes were more rustic than usual - they were excellent and this was one of the … Continue reading RCC Israel # 27 – Tevet 5779
Blind Tastings with David Raccah and friends
When I visit the US, I usually spend some quality time with fellow wine-lovers who I get to see too infrequently. But with limited time (and funds), I basically stick to the NY/NJ area each trip to be close to my family. That makes visiting with friends from other areas a real treat. Luckily David … Continue reading Blind Tastings with David Raccah and friends
2017 Lueria Roussanne
It's been a really long time since I did a standard review formal review. That's not to say that I haven't shared my opinion on dozens of wines - but as readers know, I won't give a wine a grade unless I can spend some quality time with it alone and give it the requisite … Continue reading 2017 Lueria Roussanne
Nathan’s French Food & Wine Evening
This past Monday night I was privileged to be invited to really special evening of wine and food organized by Nathan Grandjean of France. Nathan sells wine in France and Western Europe via his site He is super-knowledgeable and an all around great guy - so if you are ever in Europe and need … Continue reading Nathan’s French Food & Wine Evening
Flam Visit – Mini Blanc Vertical, Syrah Vertical + Noble ’14
Once in a while I attend a gathering of an Israeli wine group called Toameha (טועמיה) run by my friend Yitzchak Nimni. Many of the members including Yitzchak are regular attendees of RCC Israel, so it is a nice way to catch up with people in a non-RCC setting. This past Wednesday night a group … Continue reading Flam Visit – Mini Blanc Vertical, Syrah Vertical + Noble ’14